No, you can not. As name implies you can only access SQL Server CE with SQL Server CE access classes.
|||Thanks for your reply. I guess the real question I have is: Is thereany way to access a remote database that supports ODBC using Windows CE and Visual Studio .Net?|||
Windows CE has no support for ODBC. It has support for OLEDB, but there's no OLEDB ADO.Net provider not to mention you'd need Postgre OLEDB driver for Windows CE and I doubt Postgre has one.
|||Spasiba|||After doing a little research based on what you said I would need, Idid find a beta OLEDB provider for postgresql (which may or may not work on CE)
But if there's not provider for CE, then it's a moot point.|||
If you get it to work you can use COM interop to talk to database instead of ADO.Net. May be not as convenient, but should work.
Now, using LGPL beta code which you need to port to CE first is another story…
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