Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Possible to assign a value to a textbox?

Is it possible to assign a value to a textbox when viewing reports, depending on certain values of the fields. E.g if Fields!Month.Value = Parameters!Month.Value, i want to display some message in the textbox.
Hi eeyore21
It is possible unless I'm not understanding the question correctly. Try this:
Select the textbox properties. In the 'Value: ' property select 'Expression' (button next to textbox)
type in '=IIF( Parameters!PamaterName.Value = Fields!FieldName.Value,"Print this if true","Print this if False")'

whereParameters!PamaterName.Value - this is the parameter value which you want to compare to Fields!FieldName.Value ( dataset field name)

In your case it would be :=IIF(Fields!Month.Value = Parameters!Month.Value,"IT IS TRUE DO SOMETHING","NOT TRUE DO SOMETHING ELSE")'

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