Friday, March 30, 2012

Pre-execute Hangs at 50%


I did a search and found no answers. I have a simple project; one data flow task reading from one DB2 tabel and writing to another. My OLEDB source is a sql command that returns 97,000 rows and my OLEDB destination's data access mode is "table or view".

For my OLEDB source SQL command, I run it through the "build query" panel and I get all 97,000 rows back within 90 seconds everytime.

I don't know what is so different since I currently do SQL commands that bring back 2.5 million rows from DB2 with no effort in SSIS. I even took my data flow task and placed into a known good solution - but still hangs at 50% forever. I tried attaching to SSIS server and executing through there, again no luck. Still hung!

Any ideas? Thanks.

On your OLE DB Source component in the data flow, set its property, "ValidateExternalMetadata" to false and see if that helps.

One other thing to try is to set the property of the DB2 connection manager object, "DelayValidation" to true.|||

Thanks for your reply Phil.

I went ahead to set both properties accordingly and reran. After 16 minutes of running it was still on the pre-execute phase stuck at 50%.

Just to test I changed my DB2 SQL to FETCH ROW FIRST ONLY and it still hangs at the pre-execute 50% level. So obviously it's not the number of rows causing the problem.

What I don't understand is using the "preview" panel in the OLEDB source, I get the first row in about 6-7 seconds.


|||Do you have any other connection managers defined in the package? Validation will attempt to validate all connections.

What DB2 driver are you using?|||

No, that is the only connection I have in my package/solution.

I am using "Native OLE DB\IBM OLE DB Provider for DB2".


Is there any way to see a log of where it's getting hung? Maybe its my OLEDB Desitnation...since everything is perfect with my source.

Any ideas on how to verify my idea? Thanks.


I went ahead and changed my destination to a temperary SQL 2005 table and now it works It is my destination. It must be failing on something (connection/rights?) and not telling me why?|||

It seems MS really dropped the ball on this one.

I'm almost certain that it's failing on a unique_index insert error. Why is it hiding the error message and letting SSIS hang FOREVER? Why does it do the SELECT and INSERT before the "real" execution of my package? This really defeats the purpose!!!

oh well - thanks for your help.


Zach84 wrote:

It seems MS really dropped the ball on this one.

I'm almost certain that it's failing on a unique_index insert error. Why is it hiding the error message and letting SSIS hang FOREVER? Why does it do the SELECT and INSERT before the "real" execution of my package? This really defeats the purpose!!!

oh well - thanks for your help.

Be careful... You aren't using a Microsoft driver. It isn't doing any selects or inserts -- it's just trying to validate metadata and such.

You could always try the Microsoft OLE DB for DB2 driver, which I've had better luck with.

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